Big Data Privacy - Article & Videos

IQVIA: A Leading Digital Healthcare Stock
May 15. 2022. 7 mins read

Data is the new oil. It’s a phrase that regular readers will recognize, but we...

AdTheorent Stock for Programmatic Digital Advertising
May 9. 2022. 7 mins read

In a sign of the times: Alphabet, Google’s parent company, reported an 8% decline in...

6 Cybersecurity Companies for Ensuring Data Privacy
April 5. 2021. 8 mins read

The headlines for data breaches are becoming more and more over-the-top each year. From the...

Inpher Preserves Data Residency With Secret Computing
January 13. 2021. 6 mins read

Data isn’t just increasing in quantity; it’s also growing in complexity. Data lakes are now...

6 Privacy Solutions for Big Data and Machine Learning
November 1. 2020. 6 mins read

Travelers who wander the banana pancake trail through Southeast Asia will all get roughly the...

Why Enterprise Backup Solutions are a Good Investment
May 27. 2020. 7 mins read

The idea of backing up your data is as old as computing itself. Remember autosave?...

Psychographics: What is It and How Does It Work?
October 19. 2018. 7 mins read

Remember the days when marketing was simply getting a plastic Made-in-China toy in your Happy...

Dataminr – AI for Social Media Big Data Mining
July 30. 2018. 7 mins read

Before the dawn of the Digital Age, there was an oft-used expression, “I’m an open...

Artificial Intelligence and Transparency
July 23. 2018. 7 mins read

For most of the articles we write, we don’t consult with the companies beforehand. This...

Using Artificial Intelligence for Price Discrimination
November 4. 2017. 6 mins read

There was an article published by the Scientific American earlier this year titled Will Democracy Survive...

Big Data: Big Brother or Bigger Than Any of Us?
January 3. 2017. 5 mins read

You know that brother-in-law you have—the crazy one who talks about alien abductions and government...

Big Data Privacy and Why You Should be Concerned
November 6. 2016. 6 mins read

Big data privacy is a topic that is becoming increasingly important as the methods we are...