Retail Analytics - Article & Videos

VusionGroup Stock Posts Strong Revenue Growth
May 9. 2024. 7 mins read

You don’t have to be an MBA to know that retail sales make up a...

Trax – Reinventing Retail with Computer Vision
May 23. 2021. 6 mins read

After Edward Snowden leaked that the National Security Agency (NSA) used backdoor channels to gain...

Reverse Logistics Company Uses AI to Find Value in Retail
April 4. 2021. 6 mins read

While “Retail Apocalypse” would no doubt make a great sequel to the iconic movie “Apocalypse...

A Smart Indoor Positioning System for Retail Automation
May 30. 2020. 6 mins read

For the last few years, we’ve been hearing about the retail apocalypse, though we would...

The World’s Largest Database Using Ambient Intelligence
July 29. 2019. 7 mins read

There is a term that we often use at Nanalyze to describe how our online...

Shoplifting Prevention Technologies for Retailers
May 21. 2019. 8 mins read

Shoplifting comes in many shapes and forms, from the broke pre-teen who is about to...

6 Startups Selling Retail Automation Solutions with AI
April 13. 2018. 6 mins read

Earlier this year, autonomous retail store Amazon Go opened to much fanfare, which just goes...

Using Artificial Intelligence for Price Discrimination
November 4. 2017. 6 mins read

There was an article published by the Scientific American earlier this year titled Will Democracy Survive...

Why Robots are Strolling the Aisles of Walmart
October 30. 2017. 5 mins read

Since most people do their grocery shopping at normal hours during the day, they don’t see...

7 Examples of AI in Retail and e-Commerce
August 25. 2017. 6 mins read

From the outside looking in, shopping hasn’t changed all that much in the past decade....

Blue Yonder Uses AI to Optimize Inventory, Pricing
April 25. 2017. 5 mins read

What do high-energy physics and retail supply chains have in common? The heck if we...

Nomi: A Retail Analytics Company for Investors to Watch
December 15. 2015. 3 mins read

E-commerce provides some distinct advantages over tradition “bricks and mortar” retail outlets. When you’re selling products...