
Microbiome - Article & Videos

4 Companies Replacing Nitrogen in Fertilizers
July 30. 2021. 6 mins read

In our recent profile on Motif FoodWorks, we described how the company is turning microbes...

How Plant Sciences Will Feed 10 Billion People By 2050
June 5. 2019. 7 mins read

Regular readers know that we don’t just publish articles, but foster a conversation about emerging...

9 New Technologies for Dairy Farming and Dairy Cows
January 13. 2019. 7 mins read

The world is changing in scary ways. Artificial intelligence may take your high-paying, white-collar job....

Most Funded Synthetic Biology Companies in 2018
December 29. 2018. 7 mins read

It’s that time of the year again when you start returning or re-gifting all of...

7 Startups Treating Disease Using the Microbiome
February 28. 2018. 7 mins read

We’re big fans of yogurt here at Nanalyze. It’s one of those Americanized breakfast foods...

The Microbiome Defined and Understood Using A.I.
December 14. 2016. 4 mins read

Some terminology just doesn’t sound that exciting. Take the term microbiome. If you didn’t know what the...