We recently had the chance to present our take on nanotechnology investing to The Nanotechnology Industries Association, and it wasn’t the most compelling topic, at least when it comes to the success of nanomaterials. One attendee joked that the word “nano” is Greek for “we need funding.” It’s a reflection on how nanotechnology didn’t really live up to its promises, at least how it has been traditionally defined. However, if you consider nanotechnology to include synthetic biology and gene editing, then it’s fair to say that nano is now one of the most exciting investment themes ever.
Proteins are little molecular machines that form from unique combinations of 20 different amino acids. Not only are we able to create unique proteins from what exists in nature, but we can also create proteins that don’t. On the surface, these never-before-seen molecular machines would appear no different than what Drexler proposed in his 1986 book on engines of creation. In last summer’s piece on Designing Proteins to be Molecular Machines, we found it remarkable how many different types of proteins can be created using amino acids, and how few exist in nature today.