There is a lot of money to be made in this space. Investors in the biggest publicly traded surgical robot company, Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ:ISRG), made a return of +3,687% over the past 16 years.
Dismiss any notions you might have of actually being operated upon by an autonomous robot. Surgical robots are always assisted by humans at the present time.
The majority of exciting surgical robot companies are private and there aren’t many pure-play opportunities for retail investors in this space
In light of this information, we were pleasantly surprised to discover a promising surgical robot stock recently, Mazor Robotics (NASDAQ:MZOR), which may be worth a closer look for retail investors.
About Mazor Robotics
Founded in 2000, Israeli company Mazor Robotics has a flagship spinal surgery system called the Renaissance which has been used to perform over 16,000 procedures worldwide, many of which would not have been possible without their technology. In 2014 they introduced the Renaissance for brain surgery and continue developing the platform for additional spine and brain surgery procedures. In May of this year MZOR stock nearly doubled when Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) entered into an agreement with them, the highlights of which are as
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