Using a great product makes you want to invest in the product. When cannabis legalization started going mainstream outside of California, every stoner marijuana aficionado out there suddenly decided that weed stocks were the way forward. Popular brands enjoy the same benefit, and sometimes they’ll look to their customer base for funding where the most diehard customers would line up to invest. Similarly, stock analysts need to make sure product/service consumption doesn’t cloud their objectivity. People who hate a product, or perhaps hate the person selling the product, need to be careful about losing their objectivity when it comes to analyzing a company’s prospects. (See our piece on The Probability of Tesla Going Bankrupt.)
But if users of a product can provide unbiased feedback about their experiences, this can often inform others. For example, CB Insights is doing it with their Yardstiq platform which solicits feedback from users of B2B SaaS platforms. One B2B platform we’re using is Cloudflare (NET), a company that many paying subscribers have asked us to cover. Perhaps articulating our own use cases might be a good place to start.
Our Cloudflare Use Cases
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