
The MicroVision Stock Forecast You’re Looking For

August 11. 2021. 7 mins read

There’s a common misconception among Twitter critics – most of whom haven’t accomplished squat – that what’s keeping back would-be entrepreneurs from becoming billionaires is funding. They’ll posit it’s because some venture capitalists look the same, or dare ask critical questions of a business model with no regard for someone’s feelings. The truth is that throwing money at a good idea, spearheaded by someone who is mediocre at execution, won’t result in anything positive happening. We see this in the stock market as well.

In our previous piece on Vuzix, we noted that their inflated share price led to the company raising capital which should help them survive for quite a while. At least they have a hardware product that’s showing signs of life. But what happens when you throw loads of money at a stock that appears to be slowly dying? One such company is MicroVision (MVIS).

About MicroVision Stock

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In the same way you might look at a candidate’s resume, let’s put aside the cacophony of drivel being posted on Reddit and focus on what this company has been able to accomplish over the past decade. The answer is, not much.

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