It seems mental health is on everyone’s mind of late. Our MBAs have been working like crazy to keep up with what has suddenly become a very tech-dominated industry, especially in the area of telehealth. It wasn’t that long ago (nearly 18 months to be exact) that we first published a list of some of the leading companies offering various riffs on computerized cognitive behavioral therapy. Apparently, that was just the beginning. In 2020, as the world suffered a collective mental breakdown, investors poured more than $1.5 billion into mental health startups, according to data research firm CB Insights. This year is already on pace to surpass those numbers, with funding hitting $852 million in the first quarter alone, a 54% jump from a year ago. There are at least seven mental health startups valued at more than $7 billion.
Credit: CB Insights
In general, many of these companies offer app-based platforms that help people deal with their First World problems anxiety and depression using some kind of clinically validated click-thru program. Others claim to have developed AI-powered algorithms to help diagnose or otherwise support mental health treatment. A few speci
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