Why Has the Guggenheim Solar ETF (TAN) Underperformed? was the title of an article we published more than three years ago. My how things have changed. Since the beginning of this year, TAN is up +96% compared to a Nasdaq return of +24% over the same time frame. There’s no longer any competing solar ETF (the VanEck Vectors Solar Energy ETF – KWT -shut down), and the Guggenheim Solar ETF has now been renamed to the Invesco Solar ETF.
The biggest renewable energy ETF at the moment is the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN) which has amassed $1.38 billion in assets under management (AUM).
Credit: MarketWatch
The second-biggest renewable energy ETF – and the only pure-play solar ETF at the moment – is the Invesco Solar ETF with $1.25 billion in total assets. We previously wrote about how these two ETFs differ. Since we’re al
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