Trulieve Stock Generates Free Cash Flow and Tackles Taxes

More than five years have passed since cannabis stocks hit record highs, and retail investors who bought into the hype at the time saw their money go up in smoke. Shares of most cannabis companies today are trading for less than the cost of a nickel bag of Mexican dirt weed. The industry overall is in the midst of its first sustained downturn thanks to high retail taxes, an ongoing supply glut, and continued regulatory uncertainty at the federal level, among other factors. Yet as we recently discussed in both an article and video post, there are reasons to be optimistic that the time for a turnaround could be nigh for those who like to get high. No cannabis company better exemplifies both the potential payoffs and the risks as Trulieve (TRUL.CN).

Trulieve Generating Cash Flows Again

Click for Trulieve company website

One of the biggest multi-state operators (MSO), Trulieve is the only cannabis stock in the Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Portfolio due to the inherent volatility of the industry. And we only pulled the trigger after years of analyzing the best way to invest in cannabis stocks. In our last

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