Elon Musk suggested that today’s polarized societies can be brought together by finding a common interest. Exploration of the universe is one suggestion he makes which implies that our media outlets ought to glamorize the sciences a bit more. It’s great Rhianna looks “stunning” as she waddles around New Yawk City with her weed-smoking gun-toting baby daddy in tow, but just maybe we could have filled that slot with an article on how the smartest AI algorithms on this planet cracked one of the grand challenges of biology in just 18 months? One of mankind’s biggest scientific breakthroughs to date didn’t even manage to get picked up by CNN’s daily political wankathon.
DeepMind’s incredible accomplishment – predicting the structure of almost every protein cataloged by science – has already led to advances in combating malaria, antibiotics resistance, and plastic waste according to an article by New Scientist that you can find if you dig really hard through all the rubbish headlines out there. But that’
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