3D Printing Stocks Plummet. Here’s Why.
Three 3D printing stocks are down 93% leaving investors wondering how this could possibly happen and whether there’s any remaining value to be had here. We’ve been watching Desktop Metal stock since they became a unicorn and they’re not the same company they started out as. We’ve covered DM stock extensively and continue to avoid it. As for Velo3D stock, everyone wants to know why it is cratered. Well, it has something to do with SpaceX and some real shoddy debt. We wouldn’t touch VLD stock with a 20-foot pole. Finally, there’s Markforged stock which is too small to be on our radar, but probably the best of the lot. We just can’t figure out why consumable are falling. We’d avoid MKFG stock based on stalling revenue growth and their small size.
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I have had lots of million dollar ideas. I’m so grateful I didn’t invite investors to join me in The One which did work.
No matter how entrancing an idea – it must work
So are profound Mark
Execution is usually what it comes down to