
AMD Stock vs NVDA Stock | An Analysis

June 23. 2023. 1 min read

AMD stock vs NVIDIA stock. There’s only one reason investors are interested in how these two companies compare. It’s because they’re hoping AMD stock takes off at the same trajectory as NVDA stock. As long-time investors in $NVDA, we want to see what competitive threat AMD proposes. The answer is, not much. What we did learn when comparing these two companies is that NVIDIA sits in its own world with an inflated stock price that’s tripled in six months. That means any AMD stock analysis needs to detach itself from NVIDIA and judge the company on its own merits. AMD doesn’t appear overvalued, though we question the “purity” of their data center segment when it comes to GPUs AI hardware exposure. Maybe their acquisition of Xilinx’s FPGAs might help them steal market share from NVIDIA which claims upwards of 80% of the AI hardware GPU market.


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  1. See the article in Forbes: “Will AMD’s MI300 Beat NVIDIA In AI?”.
    The MI300 is a monster device, with nine TSMC’s 5nm chiplets stacked over four 6-nm chiplets using 3D die stacking, all of which in turn will be paired with 128GB of on-package shared HBM memory to maximize bandwidth and minimize data movement. We note that NVIDIA’s Grace/Hopper, which we expect will ship before the MI300, will still share 2 separate memory pools, using HBM for the GPU and much more DRAM for the CPU. AMD says they can run the MI300 without DRAM as an option, just using the HBM, which would be pretty cool, and very fast.