
New Zealand Agtech - Article & Videos

Managing Biosecurity in the Livestock Industry
February 2. 2020. 6 mins read

If you thought taking care of a pet was a big responsibility, try caring for...

The World’s Most Valuable Wool – Astino
January 12. 2020. 6 mins read

If you had to guess which country in the world produced the most sheep, you...

A Durable 2X2 Electric Utility Vehicle From UBCO
January 2. 2020. 5 mins read

A few years ago we did a piece on electric motorcycles which proved to be...

Techion’s Microscope in The Cloud for Parasites
December 22. 2019. 7 mins read

Parasites are unique in that they infect a living organism in order to get a...

Robotic Inspection for Non-Magnetic Surfaces
December 15. 2019. 7 mins read

Any truly disruptive technology will always have some controversy surrounding it that provokes people’s emotions....

How New Zealand’s Dairy Industry Innovates
December 5. 2019. 7 mins read

The more you explore technology around the globe, the more you realize how much innovation...

Halter Uses AI to Guide and Monitor Herds of Cows
December 3. 2019. 8 mins read

Cattle rustling is back, says an article by National Geographic, and it’s become a lucrative...

Increasing Longevity by Decreasing Oxidization
December 1. 2019. 6 mins read

Somewhere in a coffee shop in America, some green-haired millennial is typing away feverishly on...

Quantec’s Immune Defense Proteins Do a Body Good
November 27. 2019. 6 mins read

Drive around New Zealand for a while and you’ll start to notice a few things...