We were promised flying cars at the Paris Olympics and all we got was Papa...
We are currently tracking 465 companies in our Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Stock Catalog. Those companies...
In the latest burst of indignant outrage that passes for news these days, a bunch...
You’re either on the bus or off the bus. That’s a quote from Ken Kesey,...
Tech investors who are tenured enough to recall the dot-bomb days may also remember the...
Want to know the fastest way to make a million dollars? Invest a billion dollars...
If you want a flying car, just put wheels on a helicopter. The man who...
Many people say they enjoy our content because we’re not afraid to speak frankly and...
The world has a very bad and serious case of cooties – and no one...
It’s been nearly a decade since venture capital firm Founders Fund published its manifesto complaining...
Remember Taxi Magic? No, it’s not a strain of cannabis. (You’re probably thinking of Somali...
One of the challenges involved in writing about emerging technologies for investment opportunities is that,...
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Oh snap!