Desalination - Article & Videos

What is the Best Desalination Stock to Invest In?
December 14. 2023. 7 mins read

Those of us who engage in the sport of doom scrolling are spoiled for news...

A Caribbean Desalination Stock to Invest In
July 15. 2019. 6 mins read

Water is one of the most important prerequisites for life. It can’t be created nor destroyed, but...

7 Water Tech Startups Helping Keep You Alive
June 15. 2017. 7 mins read

They say a man can’t live on beer alone. Technically, one could survive for a...

One Desalination Stock to Invest In
October 9. 2016. 3 mins read

Where Are All the Desalination Stocks? When we first wrote about investing in desalination, we...

A Way for Californians to Invest in Solar Desalination
September 13. 2015. 4 mins read

One of our most popular articles so far this year has been “How to Invest...

Portable Desalination Plants from Modern Water
May 7. 2015. 3 mins read

With water being an essential commodity and water shortages being discussed regularly on the news,...

The Most Popular Way to Invest in U.S. Water Stocks
April 21. 2015. 4 mins read

Water as an investment attracts two types of investors who are distinctly different. The first...

Oasys’ Award Winning Desalination Technology
November 18. 2014. 3 mins read

In several previous articles, we looked at the top-20  engineering, procurement and construction contractors for desalination...

10 More Desalination Companies
October 22. 2014. 4 mins read

Like oil, water is a finite resource.  With over 60% of the Earth’s accessible freshwater supply found...

Investing in Desalination Companies
September 27. 2014. 3 mins read

Freshwater is often talked about as being “the next gold”, and for good reason. 97.5%...

NanoH2O Turns Sea Water Into Fresh Water
October 29. 2013. 2 mins read

A website called lists some interesting facts about water that most people are unaware...