
China - Article & Videos

Should We Invest in the Largest Producer of EVs?
January 18. 2024. 6 mins read

“We like BYD, but believe it’s risky to invest in a single Chinese auto firm...

Is Investing in Chinese Autos a Good Idea?
August 6. 2023. 7 mins read

Newbie investors often talk about how some famous investor holds a stake in their sacred...

The Biggest Electric Vehicle Company in the World
July 7. 2023. 7 mins read

If there’s a company out there that’s “the next Tesla,” it probably speaks Chinese. That’s...

The Dangers of Chinese Stocks: A Warning
August 17. 2022. 7 mins read

Cultural anthropologists refer to ethnocentrism as the propensity for individuals to view the world through...

The Autonomous Vehicle Companies in the Self-Driving Race
December 12. 2020. 9 mins read

If you needed any further proof of how unhinged the stock market has become, just...

A Big Bear Thesis for Ali Baba Stock
September 23. 2020. 7 mins read

“China is more prosperous than before. The people have better lives but they are not...

How to Invest in The Amazon of China
August 1. 2020. 7 mins read

It’s always a good laugh hearing the D&I charlatans talk about “Asians,” as if that’s...

The State of Artificial Intelligence in China
January 26. 2019. 8 mins read

There is a really interesting concept in psychology called the Johari Window and it suggests...

8 Top-funded Facial Recognition Startups
September 8. 2018. 8 mins read

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the face is the door...

How the Chinese Are Learning English Using AI Tutors
September 4. 2018. 6 mins read

Some of our American readers may recall an animated series that was once quite popular in...

A $100 Million Chinese Artificial Intelligence IPO
August 30. 2018. 5 mins read

They say that if the entire population of China were to walk past you, the...

Top-10 Artificial Intelligence Startups in Hong Kong
August 30. 2018. 8 mins read

Hong Kong has a very special place in our hearts. It’s the safest place on...