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> Nanalyze Premium is your comprehensive guide to investing in disruptive technologies.

> Read by the top investment banks, management consultancies, VCs, and research houses.

> Trusted by over 115,000 institutional and retail investors.

> Covering disruptive technologies for over 18 years.

Premium Articles & Premium Newsletter

We cover retail investing opportunities across 12 disruptive technologies regularly (about 3-4 research pieces a week) including IPOs, stocks, and ETFs, as well as actively covering investment opportunities you should avoid.

Subscribers receive access to all premium articles we’ve ever written – over 400 and growing – about investing in these emerging technologies.

Subscribers also receive a dedicated Premium newsletter every week that summarizes our recent research and includes additional insights.

Our Own Tech Portfolio

The Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Portfolio Report, available to our annual subscribers, is a portfolio of ~35 stocks we love so much we’ve invested in them ourselves.

We analyze the hundreds of stocks and dozen or so ETFs we’ve ever written about, explain why we love, like, or avoid them, and show you the weightings of our own disruptive tech portfolio.

As we publish new articles, add new companies to this list, and manage our portfolio, we’ll update this report every month.

Our Disruptive Tech Stock Catalog

The Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Stock Catalog, available to annual subscribers, is an Excel catalog of the stocks and ETFs we cover.

We list and categorize hundreds of stocks and ETFs, providing a short commentary on why we love, like, or avoid them.

As we publish future articles, we’ll keep adding new companies every month to this comprehensive list.


I think you guys are one of the best kept “secrets” in the investing world. This is fantastic research! 


Great content by the way.  I very rarely subscribe to media or investment resource platforms but I think you have some very good stuff.


Your clear, no BS, no political correctness, tell it like you see it approach is so refreshing that I could not resist signing up.


How to Invest in AI

Two thematic deep-dives on how to invest in Artificial Intelligence in the fields of Healthcare and Computer Vision for annual subscribers.

In-depth analysis of 12 pure-play AI stocks including company profiles, financial analytics, and outlook.

BONUS: A Safe Dividend Growth Strategy

Quantigence – A Dividend Growth Investing Strategy for annual subscribers that provides growing passive income that outpaces inflation.

This is a strategy that delivers in both bull and bear markets and has shown resilience during market recessions.

An investment approach that complements high-risk disruptive tech investments and helps investors achieve financial independence and early retirement. Updated twice a year.

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Joe Pivarunas, Founder