
What’s Next for Trulieve Stock After Florida Failure?

Voters of a certain persuasion were devastated by last month’s U.S. elections, as one key battleground state after another fell. Unprecedented amounts of money were poured into must-win races, only to fall short. We’re talking, of course, about the defeat of cannabis legalization in several states, especially in Florida, where “activists” spent more than $150 million to pass Amendment 3 to allow recreational sales. Similar efforts failed in both Dakotas (do we really need two?). The lone bright spot: Nebraska voters overwhelmingly approved medical marijuana to become the 39th state to legalize weed for back pain and other “ailments.”

State by state results of cannabis legalization efforts on Nov 5 2024.
It was not a good night for legalizing it. Credit: Goodwin Law

 And Arkansas? Who knows and who cares?

Trulieve Fails to Flip Florida

Click for Trulieve company website

However, all eyes and hopes had been on Florida. The Sunshine State is the home turf of Trulieve (TRUL.CN), one of the biggest multi-state operators (MSO) and the only cannabis stock in the Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Portfol

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