
Investing in 2023: It’s All About Managing Risk

December 28. 2022. 7 mins read

“Do you think you could write an article on investing in 2023? We’ve hit the first prolonged bear market in more than a decade, and I know many, like myself, would find it valuable to understand the unique opportunities this presents as we begin to deploy our capital.” Those are the words of a lucky person who has capital to deploy right now, and many subscribers are beginning to pursue variations of our tech and dividend growth strategies. It’s a great time to be investing. Many who pay our bills have asked for our thoughts on investing going into 2023, so that’s what we’re going to focus on today.

We never tell investors what to do because we’re not running a welfare program. Instead, we teach a man to fish, and he can eat for the rest of his life. We share our own investment decisions and supplement those with a living methodology document that changes in response to the environment. As the bear market continues to wreak havoc, here are some things for investors to think about.

45 to Retirement Age with Capital Deployed

We’re assuming that up until the age of 45 at the earliest, most people will be gainfully employed with discretionary income to invest. When you decide to stop working, you’ll likely have most of your capital deployed across multiple asset classes. That’s our situation, and one of these allocations is the 38-stock Nanalyze portfolio with upwards of 10% in cash left to deploy. The rest of ou

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