Investors usually compare two stocks because they’re holding one or thinking about it. Usually, the stocks in question have some obvious relationship. You wouldn’t try to compare Protolabs to Procter & Gamble (P&G) because the two firms have nothing in common. However, you might compare P&G to IBM because they’re both dividend-growth stocks. You might compare Xometry to Protolabs because the two firms are competitors. So, if we’re going to compare CrowdStrike (CRWD) to Zscaler (ZS), we first want to know how these two firms are related.
Both CrowdStrike and Zscaler are cybersecurity companies that share the same industry and sector Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) which means they will have performance profiles that are positively correlated – that is, they will rise and fall in unison. But to truly compare these firms, we need to know what exactly they do.
CrowdStrike vs Zscaler
The cybersecurity domain is riddled with buzzwords and terminology that changes constantly as Big Four consultants try to make themselves look smarter. Let’s start with what’s advertised on the tin: