Every investor needs to take a holistic look at their total assets under management (AUM) when considering what risks they’re taking. For example, we focus largely on tech stocks here at Nanalyze, but the majority of our money (about 60%) is in a dividend growth investing strategy – Quantigence – which is largely rules based and requires little attention. If a company stops increasing their dividend (we’re looking at you, AT&T), we replace it. Simple. Hopefully, this doesn’t happen very often, and all we need to do is cash the 120 dividend checks that show up every year, the total sum of which increases every year.
Around 13% of our assets currently sit in our pummeled tech stock portfolio which presently holds around 12% of cash left to allocate. (Nanalyze Premium subscribers know which positions we’re looking at adding to, and which new positions we’re considering.) Another 14% of our assets lie in foreign-domiciled funds with exposure to Europe and Asia, while 5% remains in cash.
Credit: Nanalyze
The remaining 9% is allocated to alternative assets – gold (1.60%), art (3.3%), wine (3.7%), and bitcoin (0.7%). While gold has been a traditional safe haven since mankind began walking the earth, we’re looking at reallocating those funds to some
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