A Yearly Checkup for Teladoc Stock – TDOC

April 21. 2022. 8 mins read

Because the pandemic has become political, you’re sticking your neck out when you say stuff like this, but here it goes. What if the mortality rate was really serious, like in the double digits? Would people behave differently? Perhaps, but a low mortality rate that increases with age isn’t a big concern for many of the world’s countries. Fail a PCR test in Russia and they just might let you on the plane anyway. In Yemen, they use antigen tests and call them PCR tests. In one African country, the hotel manager said, “do you need the actual PCR test, or just the result?” Paying for test results is also possible in Mexico, a country that never put any travel restrictions in place.

The pandemic showed us that nations can’t collectively agree to a course of action when faced with a global crisis. On the positive side, the pandemic accelerated certain life sciences trends like telehealth leading us to wonder if these changes are temporary for companies like Teladoc (TDOC), a leader in the telemedicine space, but hardly one without any competition. It’s something we highlighted in last year’s piece on 9 Telehealth Companies Bubbling to the Top, five of which are now publicly traded stocks.

Five Telehealth Stocks

Let’s start by looking at how all the publicly traded telemedicine stocks compare on several dimensions that help indicate leadership position – size and revenues:


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