Dabbling in drugs when you travel is playing with fire unless you can properly read the room. Take Barbados as an example, an island country with 250,000 people that we recently visited to cover the country’s independence sneak into the press box to drink Mount Gay and ogle Rhianna. Walking the main beach in town that weekend you’d be hard pressed to find anyone not smoking a spliff. And none of that Mexican brick weed stuff. Nearly everyone was smoking Saint Vincent ganja, brought in on the backs of jacked up speedboats driven by jacked up dudes.
Nothing to see here, just me and the fam liming in my 900-horsepower speedboat – Credit: Nanalyze
A 45-minute plane ride away from Barbados is the country of Saint Vincent Grenadines. You’ll hear the rumors before you arrive. When the banana growing thing fell through, the country’s cash crop became cannabis. It’s one of those don’t ask, don’t tell arrangements. Within two hours of arriving we stumbled upon a proper grow operation – guard tower, barbed wire fence, and some outdoor colas that smelled sinful. This raised an interesting question. If weed is illegal in numerous countries, but everyone smokes it anyway while the police turn a blind eye to the whole thing, why is there a need to legalize it? It’s largely so that corporations and the state can take their pound of flesh.
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