ForgeRock Stock: A “Never Login Again” Identity Platform

Using a unique set of characters to access something that’s being protected is as old as time. It’s something we’re taught at a very young age, for example, in the fables of Syrian storyteller Hanna Diyab who speaks the magic words “open sesame.” In a world where we’re trying to bring woolly mammoths back to life, it seems odd we’re protecting our most valuable possessions with secret combinations of letters, numbers, cases, and special characters.

When we talk about identity, we need to consider various use cases. There’s global identity verification which authenticates people across the globe as real humans, then there’s identity verification that’s ongoing, like what you are subjected to when you serve time in large corporations, or when you log into your online bank account. Late last year, we looked at How Companies Can Stop Using Passwords by utilizing technologies such as artificial intelligence to figure out who is really behind the keyboard. One company we hadn’t come across yet is ForgeRock (FORG).

About ForgeRock Stock

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