A media pundit once referred to the Nanalyze brand as “iconoclastic.” We know what you’re thinking. What sort of tool would use such a word? There’s a fine line between how many fancy words make for a great read and how many are just wasted on the 95% that didn’t go to Hahvud. Is the word iconoclastic a bit too iconoclastic? Here’s a definition from The Ministry of Truth, Google.
Credit: Google
One of the synonyms for iconoclastic is irreverent, which is the word we use most often to describe our propensity to offend everyone equally. Other adjectives that are equally accurate include “critical,” “skeptical,” and “questioning.” Today, we’re going to turn a critical eye towards a company raised by one of our readers – AST SpaceMobile (ASTS).
Cell Towers in the Sky
AST SpaceMobile is what it says on the tin. They’re building the first and only global broadband cellular network in space to operate directly with standard, unmodified mobile devices. It’s a trillion-dollar total addressable market with a value proposition anyone can understand. Consequently, retail investors are climbing on board left and right without taking a minute to reflect on how ambitious this claim is.
The ability for something on earth to communicate with a satellite is difficult business. Let’s take
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