We spend a lot of time looking at what investors are searching for to determine what themes they’re interested in. Some of the findings are insightful. For example, people always search for why a stock is falling, but never ask why it’s rising. That’s because the pain of losing is psychologically about twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining. People also only want to invest in the best of everything. Never mind risk vs. reward, they want “the best.” Fortunately, we have MBAs on staff who learned in bee school how to tell other people what’s best for them.
A recent survey by Gallup showed that the one thing Americans are worried about above all else is cybersecurity. So, it makes sense that we might invest in cybersecurity because cybercrime isn’t going anywhere. Today, we’re going to look at eight cybersecurity ETFs and determine which one is “the best.”
ETF Name
AUM (billions)
First Trust NASDAQ Cybersecurity ETF
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