Farmers Edge Stock is a Pure Play on Agtech Big Data

March 12. 2021. 6 mins read

One of the most meaningful jobs one can spend their short time on this planet doing is found at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It’s putting food on people’s tables. Farming is a difficult way to make a living, and consequently requires a great deal of intelligence to operate a profitable enterprise. Farmers make more than 50 key decisions in any single cropping season that can affect yields and bottom line, not to mention the unpredictability of the weather. In order to make better decisions, farmers are increasingly turning toward big data.

We’ve written extensively about agriculture technology (agtech), and most of the action seems to be in the private sector. For investors, there are plenty of agtech startups, but not so many publicly traded agtech stocks. After their recent IPO, Farmers Edge is now a publicly traded agtech firm with an aggressive claim – “no other company does what we do.” So, let’s see how that claim holds up.

About Farmers Edge

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