When you try not to check in on your stocks very often, life comes at you fast. Sometimes, that’s a good thing. Gene editing stocks have been on an absolute tear, at least the three we’re holding in our portfolio. Just look at the 30-day returns for the three OGs of gene editing stocks.
- Editas (EDIT) +185%
- Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) +94%
- Crispr Therapeutics (CRSP) +55%
The fact that all three stocks are rising in unison is very telling. This is not due to some company-specific event, but rather something happening across all gene-editing stocks. When a group of stocks that’s not in the same industry classification moves in unison, that’s usually a sign of hype (3D printing investors will remember this all too well.) Turns out there are other gene-editing stocks out there we’re not holding which can be found in our