In her award-winning documentary, The OxyContin Express, Mariana van Zeller showed the world the type of problems that fly under the radar in countries where everyone is consumed by politics. Now she’s back at it in a series called Trafficked. The first episode opens with her penetrating Jamaica’s multi-million-dollar scamming culture which preys on what they call “gullible Americans” who can’t resist the allure of getting rich quickly. Sadly, 95% of these scams are perpetrated against Americans, most often the elderly.
While initial offerings are often occasions for appreciation, this year has been different, with first-day rallies almost three times bigger than the average of the last 40 years.
This has led to an increase in IPO interest from retail investors which has led to more deals, which generate more interest, and the vicious cycle continues.
Today, we want to talk about three energy companies going public this year using
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