It was just over a year ago when we had boots on the ground in Azerbaijan scouting tech startups for our piece on the Top 12 Disruptive Tech Startups in the Caucasus. Of the three countries featured in our piece, Azerbaijan is the only one afflicted with “the curse of oil.” It’s the same curse cast upon Saudi Arabia, a country that’s become over-reliant on “black gold” for income without considering the money tree might stop bearing fruit. All those rich young Saudis buying $450 bottles of Jack Daniels on the black market may actually have to start looking for jobs.
Today, both countries are scrambling to shore up their tech sectors in hopes of diversifying their sources of income. It’s probably something on the minds of executives at Exxon Mobil (XOM), a company that’s lost more than half its value this year. Their yield now exceeds 10%, and that’s not a good thing.
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