It was just a few weeks ago that we sent some of our brightest MBAs over to Europe to explore the recreational cannabis culture over there while trying not to get arrested or deported. Turns out, there aren’t many opportunities for investors over there – yet – and experts say the shortest path is the legalization of medical marijuana. That’s something we’re going to take a look at next, but in the meantime we noticed that High Times has announced plans for an IPO. That may present the closest thing to an investment opportunity for cannabis aficionados outside of Canada (aside from all the OTC stocks that have sprouted up like weeds). It’s also a great opportunity to see inside a pretty unique media business that’s graced our bookshelves since high school. Without further ado, let’s open up this sack and give it a big old sniff.
About High Times
In their own words, “High Times has been the world’s leading source for daily cannabis news, weed information, and marijuana culture since 1974″. That sounds about right, but digging a bit deeper we see that the digital properties under the “High Times Holding Group” actually consist of two major sites. The first site is of course High Times which began publishing their magazine digitally in 2010 and which sees about 4 million unique user
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