With artificial intelligence and robotics coming of age, there are all kinds of applications in the medical industry that lend themselves to these technologies. Using robots for surgery is one possible application, and we recently wrote about 10 medical robot companies working in this space. We also pointed out a small pure-play stock called Mazor Robotics which is working on a robotic spinal surgery platform. While the industry leader in this space is a publicly traded company called Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ:ISRG), there is one other stock that retail investors may want to keep an eye on called Globus Medical (NYSE:GMED).
About Globus Medical (NYSE:GMED)
Founded in 2003, Globus Medical (NYSE:GMED) is a medical device company which sells over 140 different products for spinal disorders in 33 countries around the globe. GMED first began trading on the NYSE following an IPO in 2012 and has a present-day market cap of $2.35 billion with 2015 revenues of $544 million. Here’s a look at their share price performance since that IPO:
If you bought shares in GMED on their first day of trading you’d be up around
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